Mindy Sue Cleveland Photographer

Mindy Sue Cleveland Photographer


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today I am…...

Today I am strong and weak, happy and impatient, excited and stressed.
I like chocolate covered blueberries and fresh apple crisp.
I am enjoying fall- well today anyway, I normally hate fall.
I am excited for my NYC trip to work with some rad clients.
Exercising makes me super happy.
packing boxes bites.
I am terrified when I think about all the wall paper I am going to have to peal off the walls in our new house.
I have tried to read this book for two months, I just need to accept that it isn't going to be finished… ever.
I love blue skies.
Thinking of being on a boat at Lake Powell makes me so happy.
I am not excited for The Walking Dead to start- okay maybe I am.
Listening to my records on our record player is heaven on earth.
My husband is my best friend!
My kids are my life.
Being a mother makes me happy.  I feel pretty blessed that God sent them to me.  Even though at times I feel pretty inadequate.
I have to resist the temptation to paint every wall in my home turquoise.
Picking fruit in the summer and fall fills me with smiles.
Sometimes life feels hard.  And sometimes life feels wonderful.  And oddly sometimes I feel both feelings at the same time.

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