Mindy Sue Cleveland Photographer

Mindy Sue Cleveland Photographer


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stella at 3 weeks

This is my baby Stella at three weeks old.  She is a doll.  Nursing is coming along a lot better.  She is sleeping well awakening 3x a night or so to eat.  Sometimes I think she looks like an alien and then other times I think she is the cutest thing.
Tulie and I fight over who gets to hold her all the time.
Sawyer has developed a little temper and that has been hard.  He bit me today and refused to let go.  He gets this ornery face on sometimes and shouts "no me wont"  whenever he is asked to do something he doesn't want to do.  Two minutes later he is telling me how much he loves me and thinks my hair looks beautiful.
Oliver is ready like a mad man and loves to make random guesses about quantities and other random things.  He will say things like "I bet when you were ten you only read 123,456 pages out of chapter books.   I on the other hand have read about 5.7 times that many."  He is a little smarty pants.
Tulie has been doing swell and I am truly grateful for her help with Stella.  She adore her little sister and I like that.
Daddy is super overwhelmed with all the kids we have and often refers to our home as a zoo.  I hope he survives the transition.
I on the other hand am sooo thankful for Logans long break and thank God that he has been here to help me.  I honestly think he saved me from some certain postpartum.  Thanks babe.

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