I was cleaning out some old files when I found this picture of me and baby Stella from a few years ago and I just had to share it. WOWOWOWOW is time going so fast. Stella is now potty trained, can get herself dressed, rides a bike and even swears at the appropriate time. I blame Logan for that.
I think of my time as a mother and I am grateful. I have not always enjoyed being a mother. In fact I hated it. I loved my children but I didn't feel fulfilled in what I was doing with my life and I felt stuck.
The change to loving motherhood came gradually for me. It came first with the desire to change my heart. For me it was partially a change of my attitude. And it isn't just like you can just snap your fingers and become happy. I had to change a few things. First off I prayed for help. Secondly I tried to show more love towards my children. Especially during those times I thought they "didn't deserve it". And third, I started working a few hours outside of the home each week. This allowed me time to be creative, time for me to be Mindy and time to miss my little ones.
I look at my children and I am so grateful God has given them to me. Grateful that he has entrusted them into my arms to love them and teach them and to guide them. I am scared of failing them, that I won't be enough. But I also know that I love them with all my heart and I give them everything that I have and am. And well you know what, there aint much more for me to give. I know I will look back and have some regrets but I know I won't regret giving them all of me. And that makes me happy.
Pretty cute!