
Thursday, June 6, 2013

What to do with your kids this summer so you don't go crazy!!!!

School is out and I officially have four kids at home with me at all times!! The little bit of personal time I had is now completely gone.  The quote below now sums up my life, "I used to want want the world, now I just want to pee alone." Don't get me wrong I am only whining a little bit.  I LOVE having them home.  I am loving all this time we have together.  I love lazy morning breakfasts, late night walks, afternoon popsicles, wii Mario Party, library visits and soon, cross our fingers the pool.  I often think of homeschooling as I feel that my son does NOT get pushed enough.  He is often board stiff but I know it would just turn into an all day discussion about when his next electronic time will be.  I see all these lucky Moms that get be with their kids all day and I am a bit jealous.  At the same time I love my "me" time.  But I don't require a whole lot of that to be happy.  
This little outing was sooooo much fun.  The boys played battle the whole time while Tulie, Stella and I looked for tadpoles and birds.  We were the only ones at the ponds so we could be as loud and as silly as we wanted.  We searched for trolls and dinosaurs, Sawyers a real tracker these days.  We had so much fun I can't wait to go back.  I am so lucky I want to be and get to be home with my babies. I know there are hundreds of lists like this one but this is specific for our family and our needs.  Below is are summer bucket list-
*Sleep on the trampoline
*Go to a drive in movie
*Eat tomatoes out of our garden until we pop
*Go swimming at the lake
*Lots of lemonade stands
*Catch fireflies
*Go camping
*Make a movie
*Lots of troll hunting in our forest
*Teach the two little ones to ride a bike
*Take a crazy amount of pictures
*Pick blueberries 
*Go to Idaho
*Go to Yellowstone
*Road trip
*Pick apples
*Play more tennis
*Continue our education with daily study
*Visit EVERY part of the zoo 
*Read lots of good books
*Grill lots of healthy yummy dinners

The list will continue to grow as summer comes but for now this is a good start! 


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