
Monday, November 12, 2012


Me and my Stella Bella.  Being a Mother and a working Mother is hard.  Trying to make life function in our home is crazy.  I feel like I am being pulled left and right and left and right.  I want to spend more time with my kids but at the same time I want to create beautiful images. I want to make tents in the living room, roast marshmallows over the fire in the family room and I want to make crafty holiday decorations with my kids.  I work a lot and sometimes, more often then not these things don't happen because Mommy is working.  And I don't want to be that Mom.  I don't want to have regrets.  I want to be the Mother I want to be more then I want to be the photographer I want to be.  I am so grateful for this little break I will have over the holidays before the craziness picks up again! Maybe I can find some more balance between now and the!


  1. My thoughts exactly today...just swap tents in the living room for rolling on the floor with my chubster. :)

  2. You are wise. Let me know if you figure that all out:)


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