
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Carmel Apples

Okay, so we all know that I despise fall.   However, I have made a concious goal to embrace.  So we have been doing all sorts of wonderful fall things.  Starting with the amazing CARMEL APPLES.  Oh my were they wonderful!  We ate them for days, or should I say I since Logan doesn't due leftovers.   Logan is pretty great with making/keeping traditions.  Note to self, keep the carmel apples cold at all times or the carmel will just totally slide off the apple.    


  1. what!! how can you hate fall? the smell of it, the taste of it, the way the light changes & makes everything look saturated with color. i loooove fall. crispy,yummy, fuzzy sweaters. see you soon! X

  2. what!! how can you hate fall? the smell of it, the taste of it, the way the light changes & makes everything look saturated with color. i loooove fall. crispy,yummy, fuzzy sweaters. see you soon! X


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