Their story is a little funny… they grew up in the same little town in Ohio but didn't know each other. They both set off to the same college and he asked her out on a date. Then he stood her up!! Can you believe that? She is the bees knees if I don't say so myself!! Well a few months later he tried again and she was gracious enough to give him a second chance. Can't blame her he's a cutie patootie. And that is all she wrote….. Oh by the way, she said yes.
On a personal note, don't put the scrubbing bubbles cleaning spray next to your hair spray and then in a rush confuse the two. Scrubbing bubbles is NOT meant for the hair ladies….
*This is NOT a reenactment ladies and gents….
Good luck to them! Cute story. Great photos.
Stacey Kay
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Did you actually witness the proposal or was this a reenactment?? =]