Mindy Sue Cleveland Photographer

Mindy Sue Cleveland Photographer


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Location location location

So I have been scoping out some locations for the spring photo shoots and have found some rad spots.... an old train station, a dilapidated barn and even a rad old caboose (that I think is totally being lived in by a really tidy bum.) I dragged Logan around to experimenting. sOOO excited for spring. I love that my husband is so eccentric and is willing to pose with pink flowers. What do we think of the pony tail? SEXY!


Mohna said...

What great spots you found! I really want to look for some around here too!

shelly said...

Awesome photos!

hansengirl said...

you are both sexy! and look how skinny you are. now get your butt home and take some pics of my family. i'll pay lots extra if you actually get good ones of avery. what a nightmare.

Aaron and Kira Adams said...

I always love the locations of your pictures. You always had a good eye! Wish you were still here to take ours.

elizabeth said...

ahh! love your pictures!!

cabeandmelplus3 said...

Mindy you are doing awsome!! I love all the photos! ANd the one of you on the train...AMAZING!! you are beautiful!!